The Problem is Not ALWAYS the People

The Problem is Not ALWAYS the People

When an organization is in trouble and a turnaround firm comes in to “fix” things the fear is that their fix will be to fire a bunch of people and decrease salaries. NewLight Healthcare knows that’s not always the case. The knee jerk reaction should not be to let go...
Preventative Action can avoid the Emergency

Preventative Action can avoid the Emergency

No one likes an emergency. We all like time to think through and fix problems without the pressure of time running out. That often requires preventative action. Most medical emergencies can be avoided in a physical health situation with the set up and following of a...
Treat the Cause of Your Sick Hospital

Treat the Cause of Your Sick Hospital

When a person says they are sick, doctors immediately ask what the symptoms are to assess the situation. Doctors need to be careful analyzing the pain since they know that sometimes the pain or discomfort is only a symptom and may not be the overall cause. My...
Kick the Tires of Your Hospital

Kick the Tires of Your Hospital

Most people take their cars to a mechanic on a regular basis for routine maintenance and preventative checkups. The oil gets changed, fluid added where needed and filters get changed. The mechanic will then walk around and “kick the tires” so to speak. Hospitals and...
A Broken Bone Heals Stronger

A Broken Bone Heals Stronger

It’s been said that a broken bone heals stronger than it was prior to the injury. Pitchers who receive Tommy John surgery say that their arm has never been stronger. The same can be said for a broken Health Care Facility. Problems help identify where a process,...